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There are many opportunities to partner with EWOP to empower women in prison to transform their lives. Giving of yourself by serving others will result in helping women gain confidence and encouragement to find meaningful work when released from prison. Thank you for your desire to serve. Please fill out the information below as thoroughly as possible. This information is required for security purposes and for us to provide you with options for serving that best fit your skill set.

Name it appears on your Driver's License or ID

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Date of Birth

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Current Employer

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Education Level

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College or University

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Driver's License # (last 4 digits)

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State of issued ID/DL

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Are you on a visitation list for anyone housed at the Gregory S. Coleman Unit?

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Have you ever been incarcerated in the Texas prison system?

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Release date, if previously incarcerated

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Unit name, if previously incarcerated

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TDCJ #, if previously incarcerated

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How did you hear about EWOP?

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Why are you interested in being involved with EWOP?

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Describe any previous experience you've had

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Are you TDCJ trained?

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TDCJ volunteer training completion date if already a trained volunteer

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T-Shirt size

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Dietary restrictions

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